Abstracts and Papers
Abstracts for Papers and Posters, as well as full manuscripts are to be submitted to congresscenter@lmu.de. Please indicate your preference for presentation in the oral session or poster session.
Abstracts for Papers and Posters may be submitted for inclusion in the seminar at any time up to April 1st 2025 and should be no more than 500 words in length. Full manuscripts from both oral and poster presentations will be included in the proceedings and are due for submission by June 8th 2025.
Guidelines on how to prepare the manuscript for publication will be available on the 48th IPS Seminar website. Selection of the papers to be given at the seminar will be made on May 5th 2025.
It is expected that an author will present each oral paper. Manuscripts of papers from authors who do not participate in the seminar will not be considered for publication. This policy is to encourage attendance and participation in the seminar and to encourage the open exchange of ideas. All papers will be presented and written in the English language.
All submitted manuscripts must allow the IPS to copyright their submissions in accordance with standard practice for the publication of all technical and scientific publications. Authors are personally and solely responsible for obtaining organizational clearance for their paper (abstract and manuscript) before submitting it to the seminar for presentation and publication. In granting the clearance approval, it should be understood that the abstract and manuscript will be published in the seminar proceedings and will be available as a password-protected PDF download. These will be made available to the public at large.