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Programm, 04. März 2023

Wissenschaftliches Programm

Samstag, 4. März 2023

09:00 - 10:30 Translational I
Chairs: Ekin Demir, TU Munich; Lukas Perkhofer, UK Ulm

09:00 - 09:15
Novel tools in pancreatic endoscopy: which are meant to last? -
Marcus Hollenbach, UK Leipzig

09:15 - 09:30 The promise of artificial intelligence: what does it hold for pancreatic imaging? - Rickmer Braren, TU Munich

09:30 - 10:30
Oral Abstract Presentations

1. Post-pancreatitis diabetes mellitus is common in chronic pancreatitis and is associated with adverse outcomes - Ana Dugic, Karolinska Institute, Sweden

2. Microbial Spectra and Clinical Outcomes from Endoscopically Drained Pancreatic Fluid Collections: A Descriptive Cohort Study - Viktoria Hentschel, UK Ulm

3. NGS analysis of pancreatic neck margin as ancillary tool for the detection of microscopic incomplete resections. -
Barbara Pawlowski, UK Düsseldorf

4. Targeted mass spectrometry shows detection of kallikrein proteases in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and explorative profiling provides novel disease-specific insights into proteomic characteristics between cancerous, inflammatory, and normal pancreas - Janina Werner, Uniklinik Freiburg

5. First results on CNN-based response to treatment prediction in patients with PDAC - Friederike Jungmann, TU Munich

6. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy drives intratumoral T cells toward a proinflammatory profile in pancreatic cancer - Max Heiduk, TU Dresden
Große Aula
10:30 - 10:45Coffee and Industry ExhibitionLichthof & Speerträger
10:45 - 11:40 Poster Session III
Chairs: Elodie Roger, UK Ulm; Alexandr Bazhin, LMU Munich
11:45 - 12:25 Basic Sciences IV
Chairs: Marina Lesina, TU Munich; Matthias Ilmer, LMU Munich

11:45 - 11:55 Werner-Creutzfeld-Scholarship 2022 - DPC-60: Spatial transcriptomic analysis of sensory neurons in murine pancreatic cancer reveals a potential role for neuron-mediated immune suppression in the tumor microenvironment - Kaan Cifcibasi, TU Munich

11:55 - 12:25
Oral Abstract Presentations

1. Spatial transcriptomic analysis of sensory neurons in murine pancreatic cancer reveals a potential role for neuron-mediated immune suppression in the tumor microenvironment -
Kaan Cifcibasi, TU Munich

2. Modelling IPMN formation and progression in a GNASR201C and KRASG12D dependent fashion with a novel iPSC ex vivo model system - Paul Lopatta, UK Ulm

3. Targeted therapy in KRAS mutated pancreatic cancer ? is there any hope for good targets? - Marius Brunner, UM Göttingen

4. A Drug Repurposing Approach to Inhibit the Metabolic Regulator AMPK in the Context of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma - Carolin Schneider, UM Göttingen

Große Aula
12:25 - 12:30 Conclusions and Invitation to Alpbach and Bonn
Julia Mayerle, LMU Munich; Georg Beyer, LMU Munich; Jan D'Haese, LMU Munich
Große Aula