Practical Information
LMU München
80539 München
Große Aula
Posters and Presentations
Posters should be can be hung up on 31 July in the “Lichthof” and "Speerträger" – please prepare your poster in A0, vertical format and check the number assigned to your poster in the conference program.
Presentations should be saved on the presentation notebook available in the panel rooms before the start of your session! Please bring a USB stick for transfer. A technical assistant will be present and help with the transfer.
LMU Room Finder
The LMU Room Finder helps you find your way around LMU. The room finder displays 22,000 rooms in 83 buildings. The website is publicly accessible.
LMU is part of the eduroam network and you can use the network with your access. If you do not have eduroam access, we have set up a WLAN for the conference. You will receive the access data during registration.
Please contact the organizers at for practical information or questions about registration.
Where to go during lunch breaks?
- Map of Restaurants around the Uni (1 MByte)